You can install Akto via Helm charts.
Akto’s Helm chart repo is on GitHub here. You can also find Akto on here.
Please ensure you have the following -
command installed. Check hereHere are the steps to install Akto via Helm charts -
Akto Helm setup needs a Mongo connection string as input. It can come from either of the following -
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y docker
sudo dockerd&
docker run --name mongo --restart always -v ./data:/data/db -p 27017:27017 mongo
sudo systemctl enable /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
The connection string would then be mongodb://<YOUR_INSTANCE_PRIVATE_IP>:27017/admini
Database Deployments
page for your projectConnect
buttonConnect your application
Note: Please ensure your K8S cluster has connectivity to Mongo.
helm repo add akto
helm install akto akto/akto -n dev --set mongo.aktoMongoConn="<AKTO_CONNECTION_STRING>"
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE>
and verify you can see 4 pods
kubectl get services/akto-dashboard -n dev | awk -F " " '{print $4;}'